Centre for Plant Sciences(CPS),University of Leeds--英国利兹大学植物科学中心




  The Centre for Plant Sciences (CPS) is a multidisciplinary research Centre within the School of Biology. This is one of three institutes within the Faculty of Biological Sciences at the University of Leeds. Over 10 independent research groups combine to give a total of ~30 postdoctoral, ~20 post graduate and ~15 technical research staff. The CPS offers excellent research and training opportunities for postdoctoral research fellows, as well as postgraduate students. The CPS has its own allocation of BBSRC funded PhD research studentships.

  A particular strength of the CPS is the range of expertise available to link whole organism plant biology, through organelle and cellular processes, with protein and carbohydrate biochemistry/cell biology to molecular biology and epigenetics. Our fundamental and applied research programs attract considerable research funding from a combination of UK Research Councils, the European Union and charities as well as from a range of industrial sponsors and partners.

  The CPS is housed in newly refurbished contiguous laboratories within the heart of the extensive Faculty of Biological Sciences complex at the heart of the University of Leeds campus. The well-equipped CPS laboratories include a state-of-the-art plant growth unit, directly accessible from the laboratories, which includes tissue culture suites with culture rooms, growth rooms and cabinets, with glass-houses to meet a range of growth requirements including tropical environment houses.

  The CPS provides an active and stimulating research environment for interdisciplinary studies in both fundamental and applied aspects of plant molecular sciences.