International Federation for Cell Biology(IFCB)--国际细胞生物学联盟



  The IFCB has its historical roots in the early 1930′ s. It was formally established in St. Louis in 1972 to coordinate and support Cell Biology activities throughout the world, as well as representing cell biology in the International Union of Biological Sciences. The affiliation makes the IFCB a constituent of the International Council of Scientific Unions (ICSU), and puts our congresses officially under the aegis of the latter. This is of particular importance to colleagues in some countries who may become eligible for grants to attend international congresses sponsored by the ISCU. The IFCB is also represented in the International Cell Research Organization (ICRO) which functions in UNESCO.

  We are retrieve historical facts, documents and photographs related to the IFCB, its parent organization the International Society of Cell Biology, their meetings and the 1947 Cell Biology Meeting held in Stockholm, Sweden, where the latter was founded. If you have anything to share, please contact us at